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Symposium 2016

"Modern Trends in Extended Prostate Cancer Treatment" The Second Caucasian Symposium

11:00:00 - 12:00:00
12:00:00 - 12:30:00
Opening and welcoming
12:30:00 - 13:40:00
1.Is PSA Prostate cancer screening already the past?
  Session Moderators: S. Joniau (Belgium), G. Ahlgren (Sweden)
12:31:00 - 12:50:00
a.Current international recommendations on PSA prostate cancer screening, 			
  results of PSA prostate cancer screening restriction
  Steven Joniau (Belgium)
12:55:00 - 13:15:00
b.PSA prostate cancer screening in Georgia. 
  Rema Gvamichava (Georgia)
13:20:00 - 13:40:00
c.Prostate cancer screening beyond PSA (STHLM3 and or MRI)		
  Goran Ahlgren (Sweden)
13:40:00 - 14:40:00
14:40:00 - 17:15:00
2.Management of High risk Prostate cancer 
  Session Moderators: S. Joniau (Belgium), G. De Meerleer (Belgium)
14:40:00 - 15:00:00
a.Radical prostatectomy for high-risk prostate cancer.
  Steven Joniau (Belgium)
15:05:00 - 15:25:00
b.Radiation therapy for high-risk prostate cancer.
  Gert De Meerleer (Belgium)
15:30:00 - 15:50:00
c.Radiation therapy in prostate cancer: 
 defining the benefit of Hypofractionation. Anna Shapiro (USA)
15:50:00 - 16:05:00
16:05:00 - 16:25:00
d.Adjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced Prostate cancer	
  Goran Ahlgren (Sweden)
16:30:00 - 16:50:00
e.The role of adjuvant Radiation Therapy. Oleg Shapiro (USA)
16:55:00 - 17:15:00
f. Case presentations and panel discussion. 							
Panel Members: G. Ahlgren (Sweden), I. Frank (USA), A. Shapiro (USA), 
O. Shapiro (USA), G. Karazanashvili (Georgia) 	16:55-17:15
10:00:00 - 11:40:00
3.Multimodal Management of Oligometastatic Prostate cancer 		
   Session Moderators: 
   S. Joniau (Belgium), G. De Meerleer (Belgium),  G. Karazanashvili (Georgia)
10:00:00 - 10:20:00
a.The Role of local treatment in the Management of Patients with 		
   Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer at presentation.	
   Igor Frank (USA)
10:25:00 - 10:45:00
b.Multimodal management of recurrent oligometastatic 	(lymph nodes/bone) Prostate cancer following the local						 treatments. 
Steven Joniau (Belgium), Gert De Meerleer (Belgium)
10:50:00 - 11:10:00
c.The role of surgery in the management of advanced/oligometastatic
   prostate cancer.
   Guram Karazanashvili (Georgia)
11:15:00 - 11:40:00
d.Case presentations and panel discussion. 	
   Panel Members: 
   G. Ahlgren (Sweden), I. Frank (USA), A. Shapiro (USA), O. Shapiro (USA)
11:40:00 - 12:00:00
12:00:00 - 13:10:00
4.Salvage treatments	
   Session Moderators:
 G. Bratslavsky (USA), I. Frank (USA)
12:00:00 - 12:20:00
a.Salvage radical prostatectomy.
   Goran Ahlgren (Sweden)
12:25:00 - 12:45:00
b.AUA lecture - Salvage versus adjuvant radiation therapy: what is better? 
  Gennady Bratslavsky (USA)
12:50:00 - 13:10:00
c.Cryotherapy after the failure of radiation therapy
   Goran Ahlgren (Sweden)
13:10:00 - 14:10:00
14:10:00 - 17:00:00
5.AUA sponsored Caucasian session	
   Session Moderators: 
   G. Bratslavsky (USA), 
   G. Karazanashvili (Georgia)
14:10:00 - 14:25:00
a.Oligometastases in prostate cancer: new radiotherapy options.
  Anna Shapiro (USA)
14:30:00 - 14:45:00
b. Radiation treatment of advanced Prostate cancer - clinical experience HTMC. 
    Darejan Lomidze (Georgia)  
14:50:00 - 15:05:00
c. Radiotherapy of oligometastatic prostate cancer – experience of Research Institute of Clinical Medicine.
    Z. Kvirikashvili,I. Zumbadze (Georgia)
15:10:00 - 15:30:00
d.Role of extended lymph node dissection in light of advanced 
   prostate cancer. Oleg Shapiro (USA)
15:30:00 - 15:45:00
15:45:00 - 16:00:00
e.Radical prostatectomy for high risk prostate cancer - Ukrainian Cancer Center Experience.
Olexander Stakhovsky, Y.Vitruk,R. Litvinenko (Ukraine)
16:05:00 - 16:20:00
f.Surgery for high-risk prostate cancer: The results of first 80 cases. 
  F. Guliev, (Azerbaijan)
16:25:00 - 16:40:00
g.Treatment of advanced prostate cancer – experience of Cancer Center after Farandjyan. 
   V. Shakhsuvaryan (Armenia)
16:45:00 - 17:00:00
h.Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy for locally advanced prostate cancer – experience of national center of Urology. 
   D. Nikoleishvili, A. Pertia,G. Khvadagiani, G. Koberidze (Georgia)
10:00:00 - 13:00:00
6.Important tools in the management of advanced prostate cancer. 
   Session Moderators: S. Joniau (Belgium), G. Bratslavsky (USA),G. Karazanashvili (Georgia)
10:00:00 - 10:20:00
a.Individualized management of Prostate cancer. 	
   Steven Joniau (Belgium)
10:25:00 - 10:45:00
b.Prostate cancer in Elderly patients (>75y) with infravesical 	obstruction.
   Steven Joniau (Belgium)
10:50:00 - 11:10:00
c.Management of Radiation therapy comlications.	
  Gert De Meerleer (Belgium)
11:15:00 - 11:25:00
d.Androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer: managing complications.
   Valerii Zaitsev (Ukraine)
11:30:00 - 11:45:00
11:45:00 - 12:05:00
e. Robotic vs. Laparoscopic and open radical prostatectomy in advanced prostate cancer.
    Igor Frank (USA)
12:10:00 - 12:30:00
f. Open vs. laparoscopic/robotic prostatectomy in advanced prostate cancer. 
   G. Gakis (Germany)
12:30:00 - 12:50:00
g. Panel Discussion: Which method is the best?!
    Panel members: 
    G. De Meerleer (Belgium), G. Ahlgren (Sweden), G. Gakis (Germany),
    I. Frank (USA), A. Shapiro (USA), O. Shapiro (USA)
12:50:00 - 13:00:00
7.Symposium Closer
20:00:00 - 20:00:00
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